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Folks know to look out for events like earnings, for example, or FOMC meetings, or the regular release of economic data – dates you can look ahead to and circle on a calendar.
But most investors never give a thought to those unpredictable, unthinkable events that don't show up next week in your planner, but explode across global markets in minutes or even seconds flat.
Boeing Co. (NYSE: BA) is a great example.
It's a key defense contractor, and the very definition of a "must have" stock – one that's tied into several key Unstoppable Trends: including technology; war, terrorism, and ugliness; and demographics.
Of course, the company's under extreme pressure at the moment, and existing shareholders have taken a $26.6 billion buzz cut they didn't sign up for.
One day, they buy a company based on super results, super products, or just super potential. Then… WHAM… it gets pounded.
For most investors, a situation like this is unthinkable. For investors like us who have prepared ahead of time, however, a stock like this represents a significant upside opportunity…
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About the Author
Browse Keith's articles | View Keith's research servicesKeith Fitz-Gerald has been the Chief Investment Strategist for the Money Morning team since 2007. He's a seasoned market analyst with decades of experience, and a highly accurate track record. Keith regularly travels the world in search of investment opportunities others don't yet see or understand. In addition to heading The Money Map Report, Keith runs High Velocity Profits, which aims to get in, target gains, and get out clean, and he's also the founding editor of Straight Line Profits, a service devoted to revealing the "dark side" of Wall Street... In his weekly Total Wealth, Keith has broken down his 30-plus years of success into three parts: Trends, Risk Assessment, and Tactics – meaning the exact techniques for making money. Sign up is free at
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