Friday, December 13, 2013

Promises To Fix Mental Health System Still Unfulfilled

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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Despite Big Market In Florida, Obamacare Is A Hard Sell

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Despite Big Market In Florida, Obamacare Is A Hard Sell

More From Shots - Health News HealthPopular Antacids Increase The Risk Of B-12 DeficiencyHealthTo Fight Meningitis Outbreak, Princeton Tries European VaccineHealthDespite Big Market In Florida, Obamacare Is A Hard SellHealthDon't Count On Insurance To Pay For Genetic Tests

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Despite Big Market In Florida, Obamacare Is A Hard Sell

More From Shots - Health News HealthPopular Antacids Increase The Risk Of B-12 DeficiencyHealthTo Fight Meningitis Outbreak, Princeton Tries European VaccineHealthDespite Big Market In Florida, Obamacare Is A Hard SellHealthDon't Count On Insurance To Pay For Genetic Tests

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Friday, December 6, 2013

How to Revive the Fight for Single-Payer

Rep. Jim McDermott of Washington is optimistic that it will come�if we give states the tools to adopt it at their own pace.

When the media frenzy subsides and Republicans run out of scare stories, the country will be faced with the most important question about Obamacare: Can it deliver what it promised? Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, a new business model is rapidly emerging in the medical-industrial complex that, in theory, can dramatically reduce the inflated costs of healthcare while serving everyone�rich and poor, healthy and sick. But the reformed system will also still rely on the market competition of profit-making enterprises, including insurance companies. A lot of liberal Democrats, though they voted for Obama�s bill, remain skeptical.

�In the long arc of healthcare reform, I think [the ACA] will ultimately fail, because we are trying to put business-model methods into the healthcare system,� said Washington Representative Jim McDermott. �We�re not making refrigerators. We�re dealing with human beings, who are way more complicated than refrigerators on an assembly line.� I turned to the Seattle congressman for a candid assessment because he�s the third-ranking Democrat on the House Ways and Means Committee and has been an advocate of single-payer healthcare for decades. Plus, he�s a doctor.

The business transformation under way in healthcare involves the consolidation of hospitals, doctors and insurance companies in freestanding �integrated delivery systems��nonprofit and profit-seeking�that will have the operating scope and power to eliminate duplications and waste and hold down costs, especially the incomes of primary-care doctors. Major hospitals are buying up other hospitals and private practices, and they�re hiring younger doctors as salaried employees. An American Medical Association survey in 2012 found that a majority of doctors under 40 are employees, no longer independent practitioners.

�The medical-industrial complex is putting itself together so that the docs will be the least of our problem,� McDermott said. �They will simply be serfs working for the system.� The AMA�s market research reports that �hospitals focus on employing primary-care physicians in order to maintain a strong referral base for high-margin specialty service lines.� Big hospitals need a feeder system of salaried doctors, McDermott explained, to keep sending them patients in need of surgery or other expensive procedures.

�It�s possible hospital groups can reduce costs,� the congressman said, �but I look at the consolidations going on and ask myself, �Are we going to wind up with hospitals that are too big to fail? Are we going to have hospitals so powerful that we cannot not give them what they want?� It�s going to be the government against the medical-industrial complex, which is developing very rapidly. If the Little Sisters of Providence [his fanciful example] become a conglomerate and the government says you should close some of your hospitals, they will say, Who says?�

Despite these doubts�not to mention the Republican-promoted hysterical attacks on the ACA on other grounds�McDermott is actually optimistic. He expects stronger healthcare systems roughly resembling single-payer �to spring up like dandelions� around the country�led by progressive states that really want to make it work. �That�s probably going to happen in Vermont, Washington and Oregon,� he said. �California has tried twice to have a single-payer system and was defeated by the forces of money. Jerry Brown in California, maybe Cuomo in New York, maybe Kentucky. The governor in Oregon, John Kitzhaber, and our governor in Washington, Jay Inslee, all want it to happen.�

Having introduced a single-payer bill in Congress every year since 1993, McDermott is developing a different approach this time: a strategy designed to get around the hard-core resistance in so many states. �I now have a bill I�m going to drop in soon as a patch to the ACA,� he said. �What I�m trying to do is let the states that want it to go ahead, whether it�s Tennessee or Illinois. �Medicare for All� sounds wonderful, but the country is so diverse, you have to allow the delivery system to evolve where it can. You have to do it state by state.�

McDermott tried to sell this concept to the Obama administration and to Senator Max Baucus of Montana, chair of the Senate Finance Committee and one of the key Capitol Hill brokers in 2009�10 for what would become the ACA. No sale in either case. Instead, the president rejected the �public option� and made �bad deals� with hospitals, drug companies, the insurance industry and other players, McDermott said. Those interests agreed not to fight new rules on their behavior toward consumers, and in return Obama provided them with millions of new paying customers, subsidized by the government.

Under the ACA, hospital groups must sign a non-discrimination agreement, but as a practical matter they can still find ways to pick and choose which patients they will treat. The rules for Medicaid are set by each state, and enforcement varies widely among them. Typically, many private practices severely limit impoverished patients on Medicaid or refuse to serve any at all because that threatens their rate of return. Less obviously, some of the leading health conglomerates celebrated for their high quality and cost controls do the same. �When you dig down in all these great places like Mayo and the Cleveland Clinic, you see the same sort of thing,� McDermott said. �The Mayo doesn�t go out looking for Medicaid patients, and they don�t take just anyone who walks in the door.�

McDermott�s new legislation would break from the longstanding liberal assumption that the government must enact universal social programs that apply rules and benefits uniformly to all states at once. He figures that would allow the resistance to block single-payer for many years. So he wants to create a special deal for the limited number of states willing to uphold higher standards. State legislatures and governors can win approval to design and operate their own single-payer system, deciding how and where to spend the healthcare money the federal government already pumps into their state. (The Vermont Legislature has already approved, with the governor�s support, a move toward single-payer but can�t implement it until 2017, when it will need a federal waiver to do so.)

The congressman offered his hometown example, known as WWAMI�a five-state cooperative arrangement that includes Washington, Wyoming, Alaska, Montana and Idaho. The University of Washington has the only medical school in the Northwest border region, so the other states send their med students to Seattle and finance their education, in return for the students� commitment to come home to serve rural communities. This mutual support has functioned for forty years, despite red-blue differences. McDermott believes those five states could do a better job than distant DC of deploying and operating a first-class healthcare system.

To liberals who cry heresy, McDermott invokes Robert La Follette�s famous dictum that the states should be our �laboratory for democracy,� the best place to experiment and develop new solutions to public problems. Conservatives ought to like McDermott�s proposal because it disperses power closer to local decision-making. Liberals can embrace his approach as a practical way to break the stalemate on healthcare and open the way for basic solutions.

The congressman from Seattle thinks it may take a few more years of chaotic conflict before people understand the opportunity. But state governments�even in the neo-Confederate Republican Party�may start clamoring for this new approach once they begin to see the results.

�There are places where this could work,� McDermott said, �and once people see it work in Oregon or Washington, or maybe Kentucky, the people in Tennessee are going to say, �Why the hell don�t we have that? Are we not as good as the people in Oregon?� Then you�re going to get the governor of Tennessee to do an about-face.�

How to Revive the Fight for Single-Payer

Rep. Jim McDermott of Washington is optimistic that it will come�if we give states the tools to adopt it at their own pace.

When the media frenzy subsides and Republicans run out of scare stories, the country will be faced with the most important question about Obamacare: Can it deliver what it promised? Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, a new business model is rapidly emerging in the medical-industrial complex that, in theory, can dramatically reduce the inflated costs of healthcare while serving everyone�rich and poor, healthy and sick. But the reformed system will also still rely on the market competition of profit-making enterprises, including insurance companies. A lot of liberal Democrats, though they voted for Obama�s bill, remain skeptical.

�In the long arc of healthcare reform, I think [the ACA] will ultimately fail, because we are trying to put business-model methods into the healthcare system,� said Washington Representative Jim McDermott. �We�re not making refrigerators. We�re dealing with human beings, who are way more complicated than refrigerators on an assembly line.� I turned to the Seattle congressman for a candid assessment because he�s the third-ranking Democrat on the House Ways and Means Committee and has been an advocate of single-payer healthcare for decades. Plus, he�s a doctor.

The business transformation under way in healthcare involves the consolidation of hospitals, doctors and insurance companies in freestanding �integrated delivery systems��nonprofit and profit-seeking�that will have the operating scope and power to eliminate duplications and waste and hold down costs, especially the incomes of primary-care doctors. Major hospitals are buying up other hospitals and private practices, and they�re hiring younger doctors as salaried employees. An American Medical Association survey in 2012 found that a majority of doctors under 40 are employees, no longer independent practitioners.

�The medical-industrial complex is putting itself together so that the docs will be the least of our problem,� McDermott said. �They will simply be serfs working for the system.� The AMA�s market research reports that �hospitals focus on employing primary-care physicians in order to maintain a strong referral base for high-margin specialty service lines.� Big hospitals need a feeder system of salaried doctors, McDermott explained, to keep sending them patients in need of surgery or other expensive procedures.

�It�s possible hospital groups can reduce costs,� the congressman said, �but I look at the consolidations going on and ask myself, �Are we going to wind up with hospitals that are too big to fail? Are we going to have hospitals so powerful that we cannot not give them what they want?� It�s going to be the government against the medical-industrial complex, which is developing very rapidly. If the Little Sisters of Providence [his fanciful example] become a conglomerate and the government says you should close some of your hospitals, they will say, Who says?�

Despite these doubts�not to mention the Republican-promoted hysterical attacks on the ACA on other grounds�McDermott is actually optimistic. He expects stronger healthcare systems roughly resembling single-payer �to spring up like dandelions� around the country�led by progressive states that really want to make it work. �That�s probably going to happen in Vermont, Washington and Oregon,� he said. �California has tried twice to have a single-payer system and was defeated by the forces of money. Jerry Brown in California, maybe Cuomo in New York, maybe Kentucky. The governor in Oregon, John Kitzhaber, and our governor in Washington, Jay Inslee, all want it to happen.�

Having introduced a single-payer bill in Congress every year since 1993, McDermott is developing a different approach this time: a strategy designed to get around the hard-core resistance in so many states. �I now have a bill I�m going to drop in soon as a patch to the ACA,� he said. �What I�m trying to do is let the states that want it to go ahead, whether it�s Tennessee or Illinois. �Medicare for All� sounds wonderful, but the country is so diverse, you have to allow the delivery system to evolve where it can. You have to do it state by state.�

McDermott tried to sell this concept to the Obama administration and to Senator Max Baucus of Montana, chair of the Senate Finance Committee and one of the key Capitol Hill brokers in 2009�10 for what would become the ACA. No sale in either case. Instead, the president rejected the �public option� and made �bad deals� with hospitals, drug companies, the insurance industry and other players, McDermott said. Those interests agreed not to fight new rules on their behavior toward consumers, and in return Obama provided them with millions of new paying customers, subsidized by the government.

Under the ACA, hospital groups must sign a non-discrimination agreement, but as a practical matter they can still find ways to pick and choose which patients they will treat. The rules for Medicaid are set by each state, and enforcement varies widely among them. Typically, many private practices severely limit impoverished patients on Medicaid or refuse to serve any at all because that threatens their rate of return. Less obviously, some of the leading health conglomerates celebrated for their high quality and cost controls do the same. �When you dig down in all these great places like Mayo and the Cleveland Clinic, you see the same sort of thing,� McDermott said. �The Mayo doesn�t go out looking for Medicaid patients, and they don�t take just anyone who walks in the door.�

McDermott�s new legislation would break from the longstanding liberal assumption that the government must enact universal social programs that apply rules and benefits uniformly to all states at once. He figures that would allow the resistance to block single-payer for many years. So he wants to create a special deal for the limited number of states willing to uphold higher standards. State legislatures and governors can win approval to design and operate their own single-payer system, deciding how and where to spend the healthcare money the federal government already pumps into their state. (The Vermont Legislature has already approved, with the governor�s support, a move toward single-payer but can�t implement it until 2017, when it will need a federal waiver to do so.)

The congressman offered his hometown example, known as WWAMI�a five-state cooperative arrangement that includes Washington, Wyoming, Alaska, Montana and Idaho. The University of Washington has the only medical school in the Northwest border region, so the other states send their med students to Seattle and finance their education, in return for the students� commitment to come home to serve rural communities. This mutual support has functioned for forty years, despite red-blue differences. McDermott believes those five states could do a better job than distant DC of deploying and operating a first-class healthcare system.

To liberals who cry heresy, McDermott invokes Robert La Follette�s famous dictum that the states should be our �laboratory for democracy,� the best place to experiment and develop new solutions to public problems. Conservatives ought to like McDermott�s proposal because it disperses power closer to local decision-making. Liberals can embrace his approach as a practical way to break the stalemate on healthcare and open the way for basic solutions.

The congressman from Seattle thinks it may take a few more years of chaotic conflict before people understand the opportunity. But state governments�even in the neo-Confederate Republican Party�may start clamoring for this new approach once they begin to see the results.

�There are places where this could work,� McDermott said, �and once people see it work in Oregon or Washington, or maybe Kentucky, the people in Tennessee are going to say, �Why the hell don�t we have that? Are we not as good as the people in Oregon?� Then you�re going to get the governor of Tennessee to do an about-face.�

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

An Outsider on the Inside

Though battling terminal illness, Tim Carpenter is still busy moving Congress left.

Tim Carpenter is the national director of Progressive Democrats of America (PDA). Founded in 2004 in the aftermath of Rep. Dennis Kucinich�s (D-Ohio) presidential run, the group works what it calls an �inside-outside� strategy�aimed at translating the activism of outside social movements into progressive legislation in Congress. PDA works closely with progressive advocacy groups and about a dozen activist members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, aiming to push the 72-member voting block to take more aggressive stances on issues as diverse as the welfare state, healthcare, trade and foreign policy. This year, PDA has lobbied Congress and helped organize rallies against reductions in Social Security and pushed for a so-called Robin Hood tax on financial transactions.

A native of Southern California, Carpenter is a longtime activist with history in the grassroots campaigns against anti-nuclear power, the Catholic Worker movement and Democratic Socialists of America. When he is not on the road organizing, he lives with his family in western Massachusetts.

Do progressives in Congress have anything to learn from the Tea Party?

Progressives can learn a lot from the Tea Party in regards to the inside-outside strategy of holding elected officials accountable. The Congressional Progressive Caucus took a number of missteps and miscues leading up to the Affordable Care Act. We should never have abandoned the fight on single payer. We should have never opted for a public option. We divided our forces much too early. What we can learn from the Tea Baggers is to hold elected officials accountable and not give up�certainly not before we�re deep into a fight.

You have been working with the Progressive Caucus since the founding of PDA in 2004. How effective is the caucus?

The Progressive Caucus has been a landing point for progressive activists who are working inside the Democratic Party. If you�re working an inside-outside strategy, you have to have a base to come home to, and the Progressive Caucus has offered us that. In reality, of those 72 members, only about 10 are what we would call leaders within the Progressive Caucus. Our work as Progressive Democrats of America is to strengthen those who are leading. To have a place where we as progressives can come together and work is important. Over the course of the last year or two under the leadership of Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) and Rau�l Grijalva (D-Ariz.), we�ve seen the more progressive wing of the caucus hold the line, particularly in regard to making sure that no missiles were tossed into Damascus.

Some critics of the Progressive Caucus suggest that it would be more effective to have a smaller, more aggressive caucus. What do you think?

I agree. I would rather be in a meeting with 10 people who want to make a difference, get out and lead than be in a room with 60 people who call themselves progressives. I would rather surround myself with those who are willing to roll up their sleeves and go out and risk defeat. An aggressive, focused, principled caucus that held the line on single payer would have served our movement much better through this fight over the Affordable Care Act.

Steve Cobble, a co-founder of PDA, makes this analogy of the horseshoe, saying there are issues in Congress where you can link the left of the Progressive Caucus with some Tea Party, libertarian-minded Republicans. Is that an effective strategy?

We have political opportunities in this Congress, whether it�s the horseshoe analogy or in bed with strange bedfellows�whatever you want to term it. There are libertarians and Tea Baggers out there who agree with us that it�s unconscionable to spend the resources we do on the military budget. And we find agreement on not going into Syria. So if you can find the votes and if you can put together a majority to prevent our president from taking us into an unnecessary, illegal war, you�re going to take those votes wherever you can get them.

What kind of small victories are achievable in this political landscape?

I�m a glass-half-full person, so it�s not that difficult for me to find those little victories, beginning with the food stamp program. We began that fight when the Democratic Party leadership was absolutely silent. We had a phone call with Rep. Jim McGovern (D-Mass.) when PDA activists were delivering letters every month to their members of Congress in defense of food stamps. McGovern told us the Democratic Party leadership was silent on this question and that it was important that we simply have a vote of conscience to save the food stamp program. By the time it went on to the floor, we thought we had 133 votes but ended up with 188 votes [out of a possible 218 needed to win]. That was a victory. A vote of conscience in which 188 folks stood up to save food stamps. At the same time as we were garnering those votes, we were doing street actions in front of the offices of the Democratic leadership, Chief Deputy Minority Whip Debbie Wasserman Schultz (Fla.), Minority Whip Rep. Ste- ny Hoyer (Md.) and Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (Calif.). By the time the Farm Bill came back around again then for a vote, all of those members in the leadership were on the floor voting to kill that bill.

An example of a major victory would be Syria. Again, our Democratic leadership was silent. Our president was willing to risk another war. And again activists around the country, led by Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.), pushed Congress not to use military force but to begin a course of diplomacy.

What do you say to the critics on the Left who would claim that the PDA mission is ultimately hopeless, that the Democratic Party is not going to be reformed, and that if you really want to build progressive political power, it necessarily has to take place outside of that framework?

We live in a two-party system. Until we change the political realities of our two-party system, whether it be until we can get real public financing or until we can get real proportional representation, the playing field will be skewed. Before we have a third party, we need a strong second party. We�re the insurgency inside the Democratic Party fighting to return it to its progressive roots. We are hopeful that, through the work we do, we can begin to engage on the inside with those who are now on the outside and encourage them to do what they can to level the playing field.

A lot of PDA folks were part of Dennis Kucinich�s 2004 campaign for president. How important do you think it is in 2016 to have a progressive presidential candidate?

That�s a big debate. We need to be realistic. We are not going to elect a progressive president in 2016, just as we weren�t going to elect a progressive president in 2004, though Kucinich certainly didn�t want to hear it at the time. But if we�re going to transform the Democratic Party it�s important that we put in place a vision of what the Democratic Party can look like under a progressive presidency. So for that reason alone we need to have a horse in the race in 2016 who will challenge Hillary Clinton, the presumptive nominee. We need to re- mind folks that Hillary was wrong on the war in Iraq and she was wrong on trade. There are a lot of issues that as progressive Democrats we would want to challenge her on.

The Democratic Party, at its roots, is a progressive party. So my hope is that we would have a candidate who will be the standard-bearer for the progressive Democrats. I see the tide turning. It�s imperative that the progressive movement run a strong, articulate progressive candidate and campaign in 2016.

Given that you are waging an uphill battle against cancer, have you been preparing for what�s going to happen with PDA?

You�re definitely putting the elephant in the room in talking about the fact that I�ve got a terminal illness. It�s a question we�re wrestling with. The short answer is we honestly don�t know. We�re not a card-carrying organization; we�re a community of people. We�re going to meet in February as a community and we�ll talk about it. The work�s going to continue and I hope to be as productive, or even more productive, as we move on to the 2014 election season.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Nonprofits Challenge Missouri Licensing Law For Insurance Guides

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Monday, December 2, 2013

Obama Launches HIV Cure Initiative, Ups Pledge For Global Health

More From Shots - Health News HealthObama Launches HIV Cure Initiative, Ups Pledge For Global HealthHealthAlleged Perils Of Left-Handedness Don't Always Hold UpHealthAs Polio Spreads In Syria, Politics Thwarts Vaccination EffortsHealth CareACLU Sues, Claiming Catholic Hospitals Put Women At Risk

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